Exceptional |
Admirable |
Acceptable |
Amateur |
Content |
An abundance of material clearly
related to thesis; points are clearly made and all evidence supports thesis; varied use of materials |
Sufficient information that
relates to thesis; many good points made but there is an uneven balance and little variation |
There is a great deal of information
that is not clearly connected to the thesis |
Thesis not clear; information
included that does not support thesis in any way |
Coherence and Organization |
Thesis is clearly stated and
developed; specific examples are appropriate and clearly develop thesis; conclusion is clear; shows control; flows together
well; good transitions; succinct but not choppy; well organized |
Most information presented
in logical sequence; generally very well organized but better transitions from idea to idea and medium to medium needed |
Concept and ideas are loosely
connected; lacks clear transitions; flow and organization are choppy |
Presentation is choppy and
disjointed; does not flow; development of thesis is vague; no apparent logical order of presentation |
Creativity |
Very original presentation
of material; uses the unexpected to full advantage; captures audience’s attention |
Some originality apparent;
good variety and blending of materials/media |
Little or no variation; material
presented with little originality or interpretation |
Repetitive with little or
no variety; insufficient use of multimedia |
Material |
Balanced use of multimedia
materials; properly used to develop thesis; use of media is varied and appropriate |
Use of multimedia not as varied
and not as well connected to thesis |
Choppy use of multimedia materials;
lacks smooth transition from one medium to another; multimedia not clearly connected to thesis |
Little or no multimedia used
or ineffective use of multimedia; imbalance in use of materials—too much of one, not enough of another |
Speaking Skills |
Poised, clear articulation;
proper volume; steady rate; good posture and eye contact; enthusiasm; confidence |
Clear articulation but not
as polished |
Some mumbling; little eye
contact; uneven rate; little or no expression |
Inaudible or too loud; no
eye contact; rate too slow/fast; speaker seemed uninterested and used monotone |
Audience Response |
Involved the audience in the
presentation; points made in creative way; held the audience’s attention throughout |
Presented facts with some
interesting “twists”; held the audience’s attention most of the time |
Some related facts but went
off topic and lost the audience; mostly presented facts with little or no imagination |
Incoherent; audience lost
interest and could not determine the point of the presentation |
Length of Presentation |
Within two minutes of allotted
time +/- |
Within four minutes of allotted
time +/- |
Within six minutes of allotted
time +/- |
Too long or too short; ten
or more minutes above or below the allotted time |