Social Sciences Literature & Sources

ILS 616

Main Project

Dr. Yan Liu
Course Description
Advanced course in subject analysis and use directed toward strengthening command of resources in this major subject area.  Course surveys and evaluates information resources in major areas of the social sciences.
Course Objectives
1.  Be familiar with the characteristics and uses of the literature of the Social Sciences.
2.  Be able to locate and critically evaluate the primary and secondary resources in the Social Sciences.
3.  Develop a strategy for presenting information from a social science discipline of interst to a specific group of users.
4.  Be able to identify the organization and characteristics of the various types of information and resources that comprise the literature of the social sciences.
5.  Understand the range of problems and questions in the field and the most effective processes and strategies for addressing them.
Nancy L. Herron, The Social Sciences:  A Cross Disciplinary Guide to Selected Sources, 3rd ed. (Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 2001).
Tze-Chung Li, Social Science Reference Sources: A Practical Guide, 3rd ed. (Westport, CT:  Greenwood Press, 2001).
Anthony Frederick, Social Studies Discoveries on the Net (Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 2000).

Application of Concepts

Pamela R. Dennis