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Webber - Worship is a Verb


Chapter 1 - Winds of Change

1. What is the focus of worship?
2. What is meant by the title, "Worship is a verb"?
3. How has secularization permeated today's worship services?
4. What are the four principles that every worship service should include?
5. What, according to Webber, are the eight indispensible principles of worship?

Chapter 2 - Worship Celebrates Christ

1. What does worship celebrate?
2. How is New Testament worship similar to Jewish worship?
3. List several ways your church can act out the Christ-event in its worship services.

Chapter 3 - Worship Tells and Acts Out the Christ-Event

1. What are the four parts of the worship service?
2. What eight elements should be included in the Entrance?
3. When does the worship service begin?
4. What are the two parts of the Word of God?
5. Explain the history of the "kiss of peace."
6. What are the four actions of the Table of the Lord?
7. What are the three parts of the Dismissal?
8. Why should there be a balance between the Word and the Table?

Chapter 4 - In Worship God Speaks and Acts

1. What is religious sign language?
2. What is the biblical basis for Communion? What other words have been used in the New Testament to define it?

Chapter 5 - Worship is - Act of Communication

1. In what way does worship envoke both sides of the brain?
2. How can scripture reading be made more effective?
3. What is the symbolic meaning of the Table?
4. How can Communion become more meaningful?
5. Why is personal preparation needed before the worship service begins?
6. How is body language used in the worship service?

Chapter 6 - In Worship We Respond to God and Each Other

1. How does the congregation respond during the worship service?
2. What is the purpose of worship?
3. What are symbols in your church?

Chapter 7 - Return Worship to the People

1. What are the two basic ingredients necessary for congregational participation?
2. What may be responsible for the current lack of involvement in worship services?
3. What is meant by the "priesthood of the believers," according to Webber?
4. Describe the congregational action found in I Corinthians 12-14.
5. What is the overall purpose for the reading of the Word?
6. What is meant by the statement, "Every service is followed by a comma instead of a period"?

Chapter 8 - All Creation Joins in Worship, Part I

1. What does Webber say about incorporating national holidays into the worship services?
2. What is meant by the terms "kairos" and "chronos"? How do they relate to the Christian church?
3. What are the major events of the Christian year? Explain the significance of each.
4. Why is it important to observe Lent?
5. Why did John Calvin eliminate the church calendar?
6. What are the two parts of Extraordinary time?

Chapter 9 - All Creation Joins in Worship, Part II

1. What are the pros and cons of using the arts in worship as supported by Orthodox and Protestant groups?
2. In what way does Webber compare art in worship to the celebration of a birthday?
3. What are ways that art can be used in the worship service? How about drama and dance?
4. What is the significance of color in the church?

Chapter 10 - Worship As a Way of Life

1. In what ways can the ideas of worship be carried into the community?
2. What is the difference between a Seeker's Service and Believer's Worship?

Church Music

Church Music