20th Century
Civilization and Its Discontents


Survey results - Summer 2003 | Free Will | Chaos Theory | Library research information | The Second Coming | SRS 4003 - Senior Seminar | Words of Wisdom | The Real World of Technology | A Primer on Postmodernism | Einstein Revealed | A Relativistic World | Three Psychologies | Sigmund Freud: Analysis of a Mind | Civilization and Its Discontents | Martin Luther King Jr. | Letter from Birmingham Jail | Science and Faith | Perspectives on Moral Responsibility

Review Questions

Chapter 3

1. What are the three sources of human suffering? (page 37)

2. What is the astonishing contention Freud describes on page 38?

3. According to Freud, is Christianity a source of pleasure or dissatisfaction with life? Explain.

4. What about science and technology? Do they bring pleasure or disappointment? Explain.

5. What is civilization and what are the two functions it serves? (page 42)

6. List and describe six features of civilization.

7. Freud suggests that liberty (freedom) was greater before civilization. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

8. Explain sublimation and its relation to cultural development.

Chapter 4

1. According to Freud, what were the foundations of communal life? That is, why do humans form groups?

2. According to Freud, how do we protect ourselves from rejection or loss of our love object?

3. What are Freud's objections to a universal love of mankind?

4. Explain how, according to Freud, love and civilization come into opposition.

Chapter 5

1. In order for the aims of civilization to be fulfilled, a restriction upon sexual activity is unavoidable. The quesiton is, what causes this antagonism between civilization and sexuality? Freud suggests the answer may lie in Christianity. What are Freud's views on the Christian principle of "love thy neighbor?"

2. According to Freud, what is the basis for love?

3. What is the meaning of homo homini lupus? How does it relate to Freud's view of human nature?

4. "The communists believe they have found the path to deliverance from our evils." Explain this statement.

5. Does Freud see any hope in communism? Why or why not?

6. Carefully read the paragraph on page 73 beginning "If civilization imposes . . ." Briefly summarize this paragraph.

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